Medical Internship Management Service

Important Note: Use this page to create your profile. Fields proceeded by an asterisk(*) are required. After the completion of registration stage, you will receive email from the system. Please do-not reply to the email. Kindly note, completion of registration doesn't give any permission to login to the system. MIU Department will review your profile and only after the approval stage you will be able to login.

Select a title name from the list.
Enter firstname in English
Enter middlename in English.
Enter lastname in English
Enter firstname in Arabic.
Enter fathername in Arabic.
Enter thirdname in Arabic.
Enter lastname in Arabic.
Select gender value from the list.
Select a birth date from the calendar.
Select idenfitication number type from the list. Select 'Saudi Id' if you are a guest. You need to enter Identification number in the next column.
Select your university name.
Enter your GPA
Select your blood group.
Enter your email address. Your email address is your username.
Enter your mobile number.
Enter a emergency contact name.
Provide emergency contact number.
Enter your relationship with this emergency contact.